prices & options

Interested in my commissions?
Heres some examples, and the rough estimate of the price.


cleaned up sketches
flat grayscale colors come at no
extra cost.

shoulder up- $20
half-body- $60
full body- $100

*prices may change depending
on how complex the character is, if a background is included, or if props are added.


Clean lineart
grayscale colors come free of charge

shoulder up- $30
half-body- $70
full body- $110

flat color

flat colors, no shading.
simple highlights, like hair shines, are included free of charge.

shoulder up- $40
half-body- $80
full body- $120

*prices may change depending
on how complex the character is, if a background is included, or if props are added.

full render

full shading, lighting, textures, etc.

shoulder up- $60
half-body- $100
full body- $150

© IrradiatedPirateBooty. All rights reserved.